website icon 3.png


loading + home for site.png
Wireframe + Home 2.png

The Concept:

HowRipe is the game where you and your friends compete to see who's the best at predicting a movie's Rotten Tomatoes score based on its trailer - the closer your guess, the more points you earn! After eight weeks of watching three trailers per week, the player with the most point wins!

sketches 1.png
Score submission 2.png
Standings x 2.png

My Role:

For the first few seasons of HowRipe, the game existed solely within spreadsheets with scores manually updated weekly. My task was to design from scratch, a complete mobile and web mockup.

Scores 2.png

The Process:

To begin, players from the first 3 seasons of HowRipe were surveyed, creating three personas: The Competitive Player, The Social Player, and The Movie Fan. The app was designed to cater to the desires of all three. After gathering user feedback, sketches, simple wireframes and a mood board were created before designing high-fidelity mockups.

Tools used: Balsamiq for frontend framework, Sketch for design.

Desktop 2.png